Latest News!
We have just completed filming the short (proof of concept) version of The Condition! It was a fantastic shoot! The cast and crew were on point! We are so blessed to work with such amazing people! The short is now in post production and we are hoping to film the full feature in late winter 2022 / Early spring 2023! The short will be used as a promotional tool to raise additional funds to complete the project. We have a some investors already interested! If that is something that is on your heart, please reach out! See our investor link above.
Not an investor? You c an still help! We have set up a "Give-Send-Go" fund (see below) and will have other avenues for you to give to this ministry!
We are so thankful to all of you that have supported Randolph Films so far! We look forward to making more faith-based and family friendly project!
Any new castng opportunities will be annouced here or you may sign up for our new database for casting info and other news. Simply send us a note below!
BTS pics coming soon!